新升級配方 | 特別添加母乳低聚醣 HMO,配合 SYNEO®,構建健康腸道微生態,幫助寶寶免疫系統發育
紐康特星諾100%氨基酸無敏配方,不含牛奶蛋白或乳糖,適用於對牛奶蛋白或多種食物過敏 0-12個月嬰兒。Neocate SYNEO® HMO 產品由英國原裝進口。
| NEOCATE® 香港唯一氨基酸無敏配方品牌 |
優選無敏益生元 scFOS/lcFOS,及母乳中常見的益生菌種短雙歧桿菌 M-16V,平衡腸道微生態支持免疫力。Neocate 紐康特®作為全球首款針對嬰兒食物過敏的氨基酸配方粉,從1984年起為全球過千萬過敏寶寶提供了一系列牛奶蛋白和食物過敏的營養管理方案。
配方含有歐洲專利組合SYNEO®,幫助平衡腸道微生態健康,支持免疫力。100%無敏氨基酸,是蛋白質基礎元素,臨床證實3-14天幫助過敏寶寶緩解過敏症狀,同時能更快被腸胃消化吸收。紐康特星諾添加鐵質、DHA、AA、牛磺酸、核苷酸和核苷酸, 全面幫助寶寶健康成長。紐康特星諾 Neocate SYNEO® HMO 適合0-12個月嬰兒的唯一營養來源。在考慮過各種餵哺方案包括母乳後,在醫護人員的指導下使用。 產品淨重 400克,請放在陰涼乾爽處。使用後請蓋好,開封後請在兩星期內使用。
Formulation Upgrade - Neocate SYNEO® HMO
100% Hypoallergenic Amino Acid Based Formula - Adding 2’-FL to Neocate SYNEO® HMO
Neocate SYNEO® HMO is 100% Hypoallergenic amino acid based formula. Does not contain cow's milk protein or lactose. Suitable for infants with cow's milk protein allergy or multiple food allergies (0-12 months). Neocate SYNEO® HMO is imported from United Kingdom.
Hypoallergenic synbiotic combination mixtures of prebiotics (scFOS/lcFOS) and probiotics M-16V which is naturally found in breastmilk. SYNEO® is a patented combination of prebiotics and probiotics, added to build a healthy GI system and help to strengthen children's immunity. Nutritionally complete, suitable for babies aged 0-12 months as a sole source of nutrition.
Product net weight: 400g. After consideration of breastfeeding option, use under medical supervision. Store in a cool, dry place. Always replace container lid after use. Once opened, use within 2 weeks.
Best Before Date: Aug 2025