Fortisip Compact Protein 營保健 – 醫院指定營養品
Fortisip Compact Protein 營保健是高能量、高蛋白質的營養補充品,專為患病人士、長者等增加營養攝取。Fortisip 按照每日營養所需設計,有助改善與疾病相關的營養不良,同時加快康復進程。
高蛋白質 (18克)
(約3隻雞蛋的蛋白質) 有助身體製造肌肉,加快身體及傷口康復,減少併發症
高能量(306 kcal)
每毫升提供2.45 kcal 能量,符合國際營養指南的標準要求,足以維持體重及補充所需能量
與一般營養奶 (1-2kcal/ml) 相比,Fortisip Compact Protein 細細樽,營養更濃縮,不影響胃口,減輕進食壓力
-- 原味 : 沒有額外添加調味,適合口中有金屬鐵銹味或對味蕾特別敏感的病人
-- 淡薑味:稍微温暖的口感,對於患者有時覺得食物平淡無味時增加味覺
-- 冰涼果味:為病人帶來微微清涼及清新口感,舒緩口腔不適
營養不良的原因有很多, 例如患病、各種治療、癌症、吞嚥困難,或因手術前後身體需要額外營養等。隨著年紀增長,長者食慾會隨之而下降,出現肌肉流失及體重下降的情況亦十分常見。除非是因醫療需要的刻意減重,否則應在醫護人員指導下飲用高能量高蛋白質醫學營養品來增加營養。
對於需要增加營養攝取,而又較難從日常飲食中計算正確份量,Fortisip Compact Protein 營保健有準確的營養成份,讓你在治療路上更輕鬆達到營養目標。其中癌症病人於治療前、中、後期更需要比一般人多1 倍營養,癌症或療程有可能造成不同副作用反應,例如食慾不振、口腔潰瘍、吞嚥困難等,會令病者進食量不足、營養不良、及體重下降。研究顯示,如體重下降超過5%,將影響治療效果,或需中斷療程。
Fortisip Compact Protein 營保健可與任何藥物一起服用。不含麩質,低升糖及低納,高血壓或糖尿病患者亦可放心飲用。建議每日飲用 1-3 支 Fortisip Compact Protein,或根據醫護人員指示。養好身體需要時間和耐心,日復日持之以恆增加營養攝取,身體自然慢慢地強壯起來。
Fortisip – High-energy, high-protein ONS selected by hospitals
- Stronger during treatment with Fortisip® Compact Protein
Compact nutrition, suitable for patients with decreased appetite. High protein content equivalent to proteins of about 3 eggs, delivered to reduce loss of muscle mass, speed up recover and reduce complications
- Significantly higher compliance with compact size
Compared to the standard 1 – 2kcal/ml ONS, Fortisip has a compact nutrition, suitable for patients with decreased appetite
- 5 variety of flavours
Extensive variety of flavours to choose from – among which 3 are uniquely developed with cancer patients in mind, tailor-made to address taste changes during treatment
-- Neutral: no additional flavouring, suitable for patients with metallic taste in the mouth or those sensitive to taste buds
-- Hot tropical ginger: particularly well-suited for patients who find that everything is bland or tasteless, as ginger flavours add interest via a “warm” taste
-- Cool red fruits: contain specific menthol derivatives, particularly well-suited to give a “fresh” taste and relieves oral discomfort
- Low glycemic index (GI)
Suitable for those with elevated blood glucose levels or diabetics. Besides directly drinking from the bottle, there are many ways to mix it up with other food and drink
Malnutrition can be caused by various illness, treatments, cancer, difficulty in swallowing etc, or extra nutrition required pre-/ post-surgery. Appetite loss and early satiety is common in elderly. Seeing our seniors going through weight loss as they age almost seems normal, but actually, it shouldn’t be so. Unintended weight loss should be taken very seriously. Fortisip Compact Protein is an effective and easy way to obtain extra nutrition for maintaining weight and muscle mass.
Studies show when weight loss exceeds 5%, the treatment will be affected, or even worse, interrupted. Being malnourished will weaken the body's immunity and nutritional status, and affect the treatment and recovery process. The vicious circle should be identified and stopped. It is necessary to steadily increase nutritional intake, including protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.. Fortisip Compact Protein has an accurate and clear nutritional content, making it easier to achieve nutritional goals.
Fortisip Compact Protein can be taken with any medication. It is gluten-free, low-glycemic and low-sodium. People with high blood pressure or diabetes can use without worry. It is recommended to drink 1-3 bottles of Fortisip Compact Protein daily, or as prescribed by a healthcare professional. It takes time and patience to rebuild your strong body. When you continue to increase nutritional intake day after day, you may start noticing the benefits in your road to recovery.
原味: 產品於此日期前最佳:2025年5月 BBD: May 2025
雲尼拿味: 產品於此日期前最佳:2025年5月 BBD: May 2025
咖啡味: 產品於此日期前最佳:2025年5月 BBD: May 2025
冰涼果味: 產品於此日期前最佳:2025年4月 BBD: Apr 2025
淡薑味: 產品於此日期前最佳:2025年4月 BBD: Apr 2025