Fortimel FortiCare Sensations 2.4 kcal/ml 能全素奧米加3
Fortimel FortiCare Sensations 2.4 kcal/ml 能全素奧米加3是癌症病者專用的高能量高蛋白營養品,幫助滿足營養需求及維持肌肉質量和體重1,2,並含有奧米加3脂肪酸(EPA和DHA),具有抗炎特性,有助於減少炎症反應3,同時含有多種維他命和礦物質,滿足患者其營養需求,配合高維他命D含量,幫助增加維他命D攝取,減輕常見的維他命D缺乏問題。不含麩質。適合因疾病引致營養不良或有營養不良風險的人士飲用。本品的味道特別為有口味改變的病人而設計,冰涼莓味能提供冰涼口感,是與癌症病人攜手研發的口味。
- 含豐富奧米加3脂肪酸(每樽含1.1克EPA&0.7克DHA)
- 高蛋白質(18克)
- 高能量(306千卡)
- 每樽含10微克維他命D
- 多種維他命及礦物質
- 冰涼莓味
- 荷蘭製造
Fortimel FortiCare Sensations 2.4 kcal/ml is a ready to use, small volume, high energy (2.45 kcal/ml), high protein (18g protein/ bottle), milkshake-style nutritional supplement with the addition of omega 3 fatty acids. It helps improve malnutrition and maintain muscle mass and body weight. It contains Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which help reduce inflammation caused by cancer. Additionally, it is rich in various minerals and vitamins to meet the nutritional needs of patients, and its high vitamin D content helps boost immunity. It is gluten-free. The cool berry flavor is specially designed for patients with taste alterations. This product is intended for individuals with or at risk of malnutrition due to cancer. It specially designed for the dietary management of patients with or at risk of disease related malnutrition due to cancer, chronic catabolic disease or cachexia.
- Arends, et al. Clin Nutr. 2017;36(1):11-48.
- Arends, et al. ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines. ESMO Open 2021.
- Calder, et al. Biochem Biophys Acta. 2015;185(4):469-84.
BBD: Oct 2025