國際壓瘡治療與預防指引指出,病人需要額外熱量、蛋白質及其他重要營養素,如精氨酸、鋅、維他命C、E等。多項臨床研究顯示,CUBITAN 速氨健有效促進慢性傷口患者的傷口癒合,有助紓緩傷口的嚴重程度,療效迅速,減低醫療開支。
CUBITAN 速氨健能為患者提供高含量的蛋白質、維他命、精氨酸等,來建構新皮膚組織、促進細胞生長及膠原蛋白形成。建議每日2-3支加快傷口癒合,有助預防出現感染等嚴重併發症。共有朱古力味及雲尼拿味兩款口味。即飲樽裝,開啟便可飲用。
產品: 一箱24支,每支200毫升
Cubitan – oral nutritional supplement clinically proven to improve the management of patients with pressure ulcers and chronic wounds
High in protein (17.6 g protein/bottle):
to facilitate rapid and effective wound healing
Enriched with arginine (3 g/bottle):
to stimulate wound healing through collagen deposition
Enriched with vitamin C (250 mg/bottle):
to promote collagen synthesis and increase wound stability
Enriched with vitamin E (38 mg/bottle):
to aid wound healing through antioxidant properties
Enriched with selenium (64 µg/bottle):
important for wound healing as a part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase
Enriched with zinc (9 mg/bottle):
to support collagen formation, protein synthesis and tissue regeneration
User-friendly bottle: ergonomic plastic bottle, with resealable easy to open cap
BBD: Feb 2025